Well happy April 1st to ya!
No FOOLS here! Just my My BIG fat card BOO BOO of last year.
Thank you Darnell for this fun lite-hearted hop!

Here it is in all it's Grammar Error Glory:)
Can you see it??
Back story...My oldest daughter, almost 18, was getting married in 3 days and I wanted to make a card for her for The Big Day. In my haste and frazzled state of mind, I chose the wrong use/spelling of a word. It wasn't until a kindly gentleman reader pointed it out to me in a comment after publishing, that I saw the error. I quickly fixed the problem and was grateful for the grammar police...I really need them around as I don't squeak/speak or type so good,always...my mind is easily Be-fuddled! HA!!
I DO apologize to those that must endure my poor use of the English language...It has never been my strong point:)
Thanks for stopping by..Enjoy the rest of the BOO BOO Hop and find that we are ALL human after all:)
Oh, no, I can imagine how upset you would have been about this! The card is lovely, though...
Such a pretty card, how maddening for these things to happen......I say with a lot of experience *grin*
Great save Laura! Isn't it funny how our boo boos can make us creative in other ways! Thanks for making me giggle! Have a lovely day! Hazel xx
My Card Attic
Wow! such a beautiful card!! Your daughter would have LOVED it boo boo and all : ) Your fix was just right!
Yes! I do that often. I know better, but when I'm tired I ALWAYS mess that up. You are totally excused and how exciting is that!? Congrats to you and your family. :)
Oh, how awful for you when you worked so hard on the card. But I think we all mess up occasionally. If a card was perfect, no one would know it was handmade and done with lots of love.
Wow, I'm wondering if I've done that and haven't caught it. What a great save! Thanks for sharing~
So glad you caught the slip in time, it's a beautiful card. Cara x
Speaking of grammar police..Let's try this comment again, shall we:
The 'grammar police' have been called on my cards (amongst other written items) once or twice *grin*! Your card is gorgeous and what's a little 'you're' vs. 'your' when it comes to family! Thank you for sharing your oopsie with us!
SO pretty!! & love that sentiment!!
I'm not sure I understand the problem with you're card, LauraJane! It's a maddening error and I can tell you, this type of grammar error happens more often once you become a gramma!! Another one that sneaks by me a lot is "it's" and "its!" Thank goodness someone was kind enough to point it out so you could fix it in time! It's a gorgeous card and a lovely sediment for the occasion as a reminder to breathe and enjoy the day! Happy April Fool's Day and thank you so much for playing in my first BFCBB Hop!! Hugs, Darnell
Great card, lucky it wasn't up to me to correct it. I struggle with the correct grammar at all times. I had full education but English and all its correctness is just beyond me. Your daughter I am sure would have been so excited by the day she would have treasured it just as it was.
Hey, I am one of those grammar police, and even I make that error sometimes!!!! Yikes! At least I haven't done it on a card.....yet! Very lovely card. TFS!!
<3 J
jwoolbright at gmail dot com
TFS. So glad you could fix in time :)
This is a great example of a common booboo! Thank goodness you were able to save it. Now how would you like to enroll in Vocab Rehab along with moi?? :)
Haha... that's funny, Oops I am sorry, I don't mean to laugh but I just can't help, just like laughing at my own Boo boos, what a fun hop!
Yep, that's a good one LauraJane!! The card sure is pretty though!!
I laughed right away at this goodie!!!
Giggling here, not at you but with you as I've done similar spelling errors! I think using contractions can get confusing especially when you have a lot on your mind. Your card is just beautiful and I'm sure your daughter loved it as well and would have still loved it with the spelling error. Hugs, Brenda
Very pretty card LauraJane, great recovery too
Such a pretty card - so glad you were able to catch it.
That was a good catch and a lucky fix. The card is beautiful!
oops! I have to confess to being a card carrying member of the grammar police, so I spotted it right away
Pretty card! Well, here is yet another mistake I have made with my cards! Isn't it nice to know sometimes that we are not alone?
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